
I've just sent my recording in other mail

By some reason, the image keeps freezed in some minutes, but most the
recording is fine

El sáb, 1 jun 2024 a las 23:22, Joshua Branson (<jbra...@dismail.de>)

> Hey bug hurd!
> So we had an awesome time today watching Sergey code a trivial translator
> (1) and do
> some glibc hacking (2).  Sergey coded and chatted for 4 and 1/2 hours!
> Three cheers
> for that kind of commitment!  Thanks pal!
> In the livestream today, Sergey wrote caesar.c, which implements a simple
> caeser
> cipher. It's a toy. A caesar cipher is EASY to break, but it was fun
> watching
> him code it out!
> Here is the preliminary video.  The audio is pretty bad.  Apologies for
> that.
> https://video.hardlimit.com/w/aQK46FjVeZ2efMSw1wEtoV
> I can improve my video's audio a little bit, but probably not much...
> Did someone else record video?  Please share it with me.  Maybe your
> recording
> is much better than mine!
> Perhaps in the future we can try to use mumble ?  Apparently that's used in
> games a lot for better quality sound.  I could set up such a server.  What
> other
> options do we have for meeting virtually with free software?
> dino perhaps, but this blog post says it's not really great for many calls:
> https://dino.im/blog/2022/02/dino-0.3-release/
> https://jami.net/  I've never tried it.
> Big blue button
> Any other options that I am missing?
> Thanks for attending those that did, and thanks again for Sergey.  I can't
> believe you straight up coded for 4 and 1/2 hours straight!
> 1) https://paste.debian.net/1318833/
> 2) Sergey ported the Hurd to AArch64!  He is able to run the Hurd on
> AArch64 in
> qemu on a GNU/Linux host!
> https://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/news/2024-q1.html

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