Hi Edouard,

Edouard Klein <e...@rdklein.fr> skribis:

>> I wonder to what extent the combination of ‘make-inetd-constructor’ and
>> ‘least-authority-wrapper’ would fit the bill for you?  (This is currently
>> used for the bitlbee, dicod, and rsync services.)  It seems to address
>> the main shortcomings listed in Section 1.


> It sure would be nice if shepherd could be used to manage those daemons,
> just to avoid having two concurrent systems doing the same kind of work,
> but I'd still need a way to monitor the /run/listen directory, and start
> and stop shepherd services on the fly. It is probably doable, but it
> is a huge refactor.

To be clear, ‘least-authority-wrapper’ is already used for a handful of
services¹.  I’m curious whether /run/listen is still necessary in that


¹ The first implementation of this idea was

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