Hi Zach,

Zach Oglesby <z...@ghostcorp.net> skribis:

> I would be happy to give a hand, but I am not sure that I qualify as a
> known guix community memeber. I have been around a while and am also
> active in the system crafters community. I also had access to Fedora
> Infrastructure for years to work on docs build systems, etc.
> I have been doing System Administration for over 20 years and am more
> than capiable of following a runbook (or writing new ones).

Unless you have meant with other members of the sysadmin or core
development team, I’d be reluctant to grant you SSH access to the infra
for now.

However, as mentioned in my lengthy message, some of the sysadmin tasks
can be performed without having SSH access, by virtue of having Guix
System configs publicly available in

Maybe this is an area where you can start contributing?

If you want, we can subscribe you to the guix-sysadmin mailing list so
you can follow what problems we face on a daily basis and find a place
where you can help.  Let us know!

Thank you,

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