Gianugo Rabellino wrote:
First of all sorry if my question might sound a bit naive, but I'm slowly trying to catch up with Gump so I'm not an expert at all. Please feel free to flame me and/or point me to appropriate documentation.

In Xindice we are consistently failing our Gump runs due to a problem with the new versions of Xalan. The build process runs just fine, of course, with our xalan 2.4.0 version, but it fails with the version that gump uses.

Now, I would gladly fix the problem but I'm unable to do it because of cross-dependancies. Xindice relies on some internal Xalan API for XPath, as well as on the XML:DB Xupdate impl which in turns relies on some inner working of Xalan. Now the problem is that fixing the code would require us to update to the latest Xalan, and this would break Xupdate.

It seems than difficult to me to reach a consistent scenario. I understand that it's possible to ask Gump to use a particular version of a given project, but I'm not sure that this is the best way to proceed since we would lose the important Gump support of noticing us about out of sync code (and we already have some).

Just to be clear: the *purpose* of gump is to alert developers of situations where some package that they are depending on is making an incompatible change that will likely affect them in the future.

My recommendation is that some of the developers of Xindice (an ASF project) actually talk to some of the developers of Xalan (another ASF project) to see if there is some way that the needs of users of Xinidce (which by necessity are users of Xalan) for backwards compatibility can be met.

Xalan making a change which is not backwards compatible is only one possible scenario. Another is that Xindice is using an API in a way that was inappropriate or never intended to work that way. As I am not familiar with the inner workings of either, I can't really comment further, but the hope is that if the developers of these two XML subprojects were to talk, this could be resolved quickly.

- Sam Ruby

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