I know this worked once, and my repository config file has my real password.
Somehow though -- although
the other values are being taken from my repository config, the password is
being reported as blank, and
so the repository name is being used as a password. Could something I
checked out interfere? Could something
I set in one of the other config files interfere? Any pointers appreciated.

Attempting to run:

        C:\Gump\workspace>update trysybase
        cvs -z3 -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/xxxx/cvsroot checkout -P
(repository name)

        cvs checkout: Empty password used - try 'cvs login' with a real password

        cvs [checkout aborted]: authorization failed: server xxxx.trysybase.com
        access to /xxxx/cvsroot for user xxx



<repository name="trysybase" type="cvs">

    <password>REAL PASSWORD HERE</password>

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