Stefano wrote:

> the people at planet apache people (myself included) were concerned
> about the de-humanity of bots in a place for people.. but this is
> people-generated for people consumption so it fits right in, IMO.

I recall there also being a bunch of folks who didn't want Planet Apache to
be about Apache stuff, so much as Apache people. I have seen some folks blog
about Apache software releases (on their personal blogs), but this is going
one step further (yet again). This would be a purely Apache (and/or wider
community) content blog, nothing personal.

I suspect most of what raised the ire of folks before was the spam-like
batches of mutliple postings that Gump puts out, and this blog would not be
so verbose (not even close). It might be easy enough for folks to overlook,
should they not want that sort of content. That said, it is pushing the
boundaries of Planet Apache again, and may not be deemed appropriate.
Clearly, Gump may not be in a good position to be granted leighway given the

Given my role in upsetting folks the first time, I'm just playing devil's



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