It occurs to me that folks (like the Avalon team) are possibly frustrated by
the nags they are getting, but (despite Leo's request for volunteers) are
not finding time to fix them. I hope (like some folks on the forrest list)
they aren't getting annoyed at the nags, but I could understand it if the
are. As such, some thoughts occur...

If a project has spent a certain period (N runs) in a given state, it is
probably wiser to nag every M runs, not every run -- especially if the
project/module has not been updated. Also, what about automatically setting
'-debug' on runs that failed last run?

I suspect other such logic could become interesting once this is available.

1) What are your thoughts to these two above? Any objects to backing off
nags if ignored or (like w/ jUDDI, just deferred?)
2) Any other ideas for things we wish to make dependent upon last state?


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