1- Open wp-config.php with a text file editor.
2- Change the line "define ('WPLANG', '');" by your language package, for example: define ('WPLANG', 'es_ES');
that you have been downloaded.
3- Create a folder in your /wp-content OR /wp-includes directory called /languages. 4- Unpack the language file there and install. If you have installed WP just loguout and
login again.

sa...@cacocum.hlg.sld.cu wrote:sa...@cacocum.hlg.sld.cu wrote:Hola Lista.

Tengo en mi server el wordpress-2.6.2 y quisiera ponerlo en español, tambien tengo el paquete de idioma wordpress_26_es_ES.mo.zip. Pero no se como hacerlo, ni donde ponerlo.

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29 de noviembre al 3 de diciembre de 2010
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