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NO tengo internet, pero esto parece interesante , solo que es para
implementarlo sobre fedora, imagino que funcione bien sobre centos
también y cualquier otra distro afín.

1] http://freeipa.org/

Muy interesante este proyecto (FreeIPA) Solo agregar que entre sus
implementaciones incluye al 389ds (antes llamado Fedora Directory
Server) y cuyas carácterísticas incluyo... para todo aquel que quiera
implementar una solución parecida al AD


389 Directory Server uses the Berkeley Database as its data store. This
data store is very high performance and is transacted to ensure ACID
data updates. 389 DS automatically detects if the data was not written
cleanly and does a database restore at startup if necessary.
Multiple databases

Provides a simple way of breaking down your directory data to simplify
the implementation of replication and chaining in your directory
service. Import into one suffix without affecting the other suffixes.
Multi-master replication

For our Directory Server, multi-master means the ability to write to two
or more masters at the same time, with automatic conflict resolution, as
opposed to just having one master at a time with hot failover. This
feature provides a highly available directory service for both read and
write operations. Multi-master replication can be combined with simple
and cascading replication scenarios to provide a highly flexible and
scalable replication environment. You can also use fractional
replication to restrict the attributes that are replicated (e.g. if you
don't want certain data to be present on a replica).
Microsoft Windows Synchronization

User, group, and password information can be synchronized with an Active
Directory (2003 and 2008 32-bit and 64-bit) domain controller and with
an NT4 domain controller.
Powerful access control mechanism

The access control information is contained with the data (in
operational attributes), which means that it is always available when
the data is imported or restored from backup. Provides support for
macros that dramatically reduce the number of access control statements
used in the directory, and increase the scalability of access control
evaluation. Supports the Get Effective Rights operation allowing admins
and data designers to perform "What If?" queries when designing the
access control structure.

Provides SSLv3/TLSv1 secure communications over the network including
ciphers with up to 256-bit encryption. Clients can use certificates for
authentication with flexible cert subject to LDAP identity mapping.
Supports the LDAP startTLS operation allowing the use of crypto on a
non-secure port. FDS uses Mozilla NSS as the crypto engine.
SASL - Simple Authentication and Security Layer

A method for adding authentication support to connection-based
protocols. Especially useful in conjunction with Kerberos, allow the use
of Kerberos credentials to authenticate to the directory.
Attribute encryption

Allows individual sensitive attributes to be encrypted on disk for more
On line configuration and management

Almost all server configuration and management can be done on line, over
LDAP, including import/export/backup/restore - no downtime.
Task invocation via LDAP

389 DS provides a special entry called cn=tasks,cn=config with several
sub-entries for each type of task supported: cn=import; cn=export;
cn=backup; cn=restore; cn=index. The creation of an entry under one of
these sub-entries causes the directory server to invoke that operation.
Parameters are passed to the operation as attributes in the entry (e.g.
the name of the LDIF file to export to). Status information is reported
as attributes in that entry allowing clients to query for task status
and completion.
Password Policy and Account Lockout

Allows you to define a set of rules that govern how passwords and user
accounts are managed in the Directory Server. Password policy can be
applied to the entire server, a subtree, or a single user, whatever
granularity is desired.
Account Inactivation

Allows the admin to inactivate an account, to prevent that user from
being able to login to the system, while preserving the user's
information for later use or re-activation.
Chaining and referrals

Increases the power of your directory by storing a complete logical view
of your directory on a single server while maintaining data on a large
number of directory servers, transparently for clients. Chaining can be
used in conjunction with entry distribution to distribute the entries in
one suffix among many servers, so that one suffix can have the
appearance of holding hundreds of millions of entries. For example, by
using a hash of the userid, or an alphabetical range, or any number of
Plug-in Interface

Allows developers to extend the functionality of the server using a well
defined C/C++ interface. Many of the core features of the server (such
as replication, access control, roles, et. al.) are implemented as plug-ins.
Data Interoperability Plugins

Allow the use of an RDBMS for the data source, or any other data source.
High performance logging

Full access logging in production enviroments, with flexible log
rotation policies, plus access log analysis tools. The error log level
can be adjusted in a running server to provide very detailed information
to debug problems in production systems with no downtime.
Language handling

Out of the box, Directory Server correctly sorts 38 languages; you can
use plug-in handlers for foreign languages that Directory Server does
not already sort
Resource-limits by bind DN

Gives you the power to control the amount of server resources allocated
to search operations based on the bind DN of the client.
Roles and Class of Service

Class of Service provides a very flexible virtual attribute mechanism
which allows attribute values to be shared among many entries, including
the indexing of those attributes for fast searching. Roles leverages
this facility to provide a high performance grouping capability.
Server Side Sorting

Allows search results to be sorted in any number of ways. By using this
in conjunction with Virtual List View, this allows powerful GUI
components to be built allowing users to scroll or page through search
Virtual Views

The data can be stored in a flat DIT, and hierarchical views, based on
properties of the entries, can be displayed. For example, a tree based
on location, or employee status, or anything else.
Directory Server Gateway/Phonebook

A web application that provides a search/query interface for directory
server data. It allows administrators to add and modify data in the
directory server via a simple HTML based interface, and allows users to
"self service" their own data (e.g. so they can modify their password,
or mobile number, or etc.).
Directory Server Org Chart

A web application that shows the organizational chart of the user data
in a tree like format. This tree is based on the manager attribute in
each user's entry.
DSML Gateway

DSMLv2 is a SOAP/HTTP based protocol for communicating with directory
services. 389 DS provides a gateway that runs apart from the server on a
web or application server (such as Tomcat).

 "El que ajusta su pensamiento a su forma, como la espada a la vaina,
ese tiene su estilo"
                        José Martí

El 07/06/11 14:43, gutl-l-requ...@jovenclub.cu escribió:
> Subject: [Gutl-l] problemas con clientes Windows y servidor samba
> To: "Lista cubana de soporte tecnico en Tecnologias Libres"
>       <gutl-l@jovenclub.cu>
> Message-ID: <C88F29B3D7034C6498FF9AE3DAAC83C5@pccarlos>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hola lista,
> Tengo la siguiente situación y no se como darle respuesta.
> Actualmente tengo montado 2 servidores con debian/lenny y samba 3.2.4 del 
> backports, en ambos servidores, 1 como pdc y el 2 como bdc y wins, donde se 
> definen una serie de politicas via netlogon a los clientes windows xp3, ahora 
> la situacion es que cuando los usuarios iniciar desde un cliente windows xp3 
> logran saltarse las restricciones que windows debe recojer desde el netlogon 
> en el servidor.
> Como lo logran, pues facil y desde un via poco comun. Los usuarios (poco 
> confiables) introducen su contraseña para validarse ante windows, hacen click 
> o enter para aceptar el cuadro de login, y segundos luegos que el login es 
> aceptado o sea antes de que cargue el shell del explorer, desconectan el 
> cable de red de la maquina y windows como no puede localizar al servidor de 
> netlogon pues les carga una sesion de usuarios normal, sin privilegios de 
> administracion, pero pueden obterner acceso a todos los dispositivos y 
> archivos de la pc. Esto solo ocurre si es la primera vez que el usuario hace 
> login en esa maquina, porque una vez que el hace login en el cliente windows 
> y le carga las politicas ya se le quedan fijadas. Algo si es cierto y es una 
> vulnerabilidad de windows algo logico, pero como puedo evitar esto ? A parte 
> de vigilando a los usuarios para que no desconecten el cable cuando abren la 
> sesion, ya que son 116 clientes y deben crecer a unos 130 en windows??
> saludos, 
> Carlos Sosa
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