El día Thursday, August 21, 2014 a las 10:22:07AM -0400, Maikel escribió:

> como puedo quitar el lanzador en Ubuntu 14.04 y poner los iconos en el 
> escritorio?

No sé cómo puedes quitar dicho lanzador, pero íconos en el escritorio
puedes copiar (o crear) en ~/Desktop/xxx.desktop desde algunos que
están en /usr/share/applications/

Los ficheros deben tener permisos de 0755, o sea permiso de ser
ejecutados para ser reconocidos en el escritorio; así lo hice en una de
mis portátiles que corre Ubuntu 14.04.1

Te adjunto un documento en inglés con más cambios que hice en dicha



$Id: Ubuntu14.04.1-DellLatitudeE6330.txt,v 1.3 2014/08/13 06:19:46 guru Exp $

             Installation and Tweaking of Ubuntu 14.04.1

The installation of Ubuntu itself is just booting the DVD and answering
a very few questions. The DVD boots into a live system from which you may
run the installation (or explore Ubuntu before). During the installation you
need access to Internet (Wifi connected out of the box w/o any problem).

Here is the rest of the story.

1. Installation of Skype

   The installation will be done from the so called 'Canonical Parter packages';
   first enable them and update the package list, then install Skype; to do so,
   run in a xterm (Ctrl-Alt-T):

   $ sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release 
-sc) partner"
   $ sudo apt-get update
   $ sudo apt-get install skype
   $ sudo apt-get -f install

   if you want to run Skype from command line you need the env var 

   $ env PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=50 skype

   or set this in the ~/Desktop/skype.desktop file (can be copied from
   /usr/share/applications/skype.desktop as many others)

   the cam worked out of the box, the audio is controlled by another GUI tool:
   'pavucontrol' (Pulse Audio Volume Control) which will be started directly 
   Skype in the Options menu for audio devices:

   $ sudo apt-get install pavucontrol 

2. Disable Double Click

   As default, Ubuntu comes with 'Double Click' enabled to start applications 
(...), like a
   Windows system; to disable this use the file manager (nautilus)
   Menu-line -> Edit -> Preferences -> ... (XXX FIX ME)

3. Installation of flash / HTML5

   hints are in: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Adobe_Flash

   Or use the Ubuntu pkg sources:

   $ sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer 

   OR (not at the same time) the Canonical Parter packages (as I did):

   $ sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin

4. Virtual Box

   To boot from an USB key is a bit tricky:

   plug-in the USB key and check in /var/log/syslog how this is
   seen by Ubuntu as raw(!) device; unmount any partition from it
   if Ubuntu recognised, for example, sdb1 as a file system, for

   $ sudo umount /dev/sdb1

   set the raw(!) device writable for any user:

   $ sudo chmod 0666 /dev/sdb

   use 'VBoxManage' to make a virtual disk from it:

   $ VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk 
        -filename ~/VirtualBox\ VMs/usb.vmdk -rawdisk /dev/sdb
   RAW host disk access VMDK file /home/guru/VirtualBox VMs/usb.vmdk
   created successfully.

   this does not copy the USB stick itself, but places the information
   which needs VirtualBox into this file usb.vmdk:

   $ ls -l VirtualBox\ VMs/
   total 8
   drwxrwxr-x 3 guru guru 4096 Aug  2 10:41 test
   -rw------- 1 guru guru  536 Aug  2 10:44 usb.vmdk
   $ cat VirtualBox\ VMs/usb.vmdk 
   # Disk DescriptorFile
   # Extent description
   RW 30617600 FLAT "/dev/sdb" 0
   # The disk Data Base 
   ddb.virtualHWVersion = "4"

   attach the file usb.vmdk as first(!) disk device to the VM and
   add later other IDE device(s) to install FreeBSD into;

   booting from ada0s1a (USB) and installation into ada1s1a (VM disk)
   went just straight forward; the duration times are:

       booting from USB until login: 43 sec
        startx ... until KDE4 ready: 75 sec

   booting from VM disk until login: 20 sec
        startx ... until KDE4 ready: 15 sec

   hints for the configuration of FreeBSD in the VM inside:

   - the (USB-) disk is presented as /dev/ada0s1a (i.e. modify /etc/fstab)
   - run X -configure to get a new xorg.conf.new
   - virtual network card is em0 with NAT
   - install the port virtualbox-ose-additions-4.3.0, with this X11 is working
     in fullscreen; mouse integration is only working if you start the HAL
     daemon in the VM; cut&paste between VM and host is NOT WORKING at the 

   hints to move / copy a VM; here is how it worked for me, copying
   my VM 'test' to linchens VM 'fotos':

   $ cd ~guru
   $ sudo cp -Rp VirtualBox\ VMs ~linchen
   $ cd ~linchen
   $ sudo chmod -R linchen:linchen VirtualBox\ VMs

   after this login as 'linchen' and create with VirtualBox an empty VM,
   for example called 'fotos' and adjust:

   - names of dirs and files from 'test' to 'fotos':

   $ find VirtualBox\ VMs/
   VirtualBox VMs/
   VirtualBox VMs/fotos
   VirtualBox VMs/fotos/fotos.vbox-prev
   VirtualBox VMs/fotos/fotos.vbox
   VirtualBox VMs/fotos/Logs
   VirtualBox VMs/fotos/Logs/VBox.log
   VirtualBox VMs/fotos/Logs/VBox.log.2
   VirtualBox VMs/fotos/Logs/VBox.log.3
   VirtualBox VMs/fotos/Logs/VBox.log.1
   VirtualBox VMs/fotos/fotos.vdi ...
   - adjust the so called machine-ID in the two files VirtualBox.xml (registry)
     and fotos.vbox and in the latter also the file and dir names:

   $ vim .config/VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml VirtualBox\ VMs/fotos/fotos.vbox

   this should VirtualBox make happy;


   - access of USB devices as USB (not as mapped VM disk)
   - cut&paste mouse integration between Ubuntu and VM

5. Disable Amazon

   The Amazon search was integrated into the Unity 'dash' search;
   to disable this completely I have used:

   $ sudo apt-get remove unity-lens-shopping

6. Tweaking Unity

   The Power User's Guide to Unity:

   $ sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool

7. Enable SSH daemon

   $ sudo apt-get install openssh-server
   $ sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

8. Cam

   $ sudo apt-get install gtkam gtkam-gimp 
   $ sudo apt-get install jhead

to be continued ...
Matthias Apitz               |  /"\   ASCII Ribbon Campaign:
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