> > Si es para mi pues no tengo internet asi q no me sirve, para eso
> > pregunto en la lista. Saludos....


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  • LTSP
  • Howto

Translation(s): Português Brasileiro


Upstream documentation with official, detailed information about installing
LTSP is at http://wiki.ltsp.org/wiki/LTSPedia.

Installating and configuring LTSP

This section documents a standard Debian LTSP installation on recent versions
of Debian (wheezy and jessie), which uses NFS for a root filesystem, and ISC

 1. If you want a complete LTSP server with all the bells and


    apt-get install ltsp-server-standalone

    If you want more fine-grained control, splitting some services off to
    separate servers, you can install ltsp-server instead, and manually install
    each of the other services.
 2. Build the LTSP client environment, downloading packages from the internet:


    If your clients do not support 64-bit extensions (amd64), and your server
    is 64-bit, you may want to build your chroot specifying the i386

    ltsp-build-client --arch i386

 3. Configure DHCP. Edit /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf to adapt to your network.

    Include the LTSP dhcpd.conf at the bottom of /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf:

    include "/etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf";

    Restart isc-dhcp-server:

    service isc-dhcp-server restart

 4. Configure /etc/exports:

    /opt/ltsp *(ro,no_root_squash,async,no_subtree_check)

    Restart nfs-kernel-server:

    service nfs-kernel-server restart

 5. Boot a PXE capable machine and enjoy.

Installing LTSP using the LTSP-PNP method

The version of LTSP employed here is 5.5.2-1, running on Debian Jessie, but
should also work with wheezy. This first model has much less flexibilty since
the clients must run the same version of distribution and platform as the
server. The upside is that the model is easier to maintain. Thus a 32bit
version (Jessie i386) is suggested. There is no separate chroot (sometimes
referred to as ltsp-pnp) and nbd (rather than nfs) is used to provide a
squashfs image.

The use of dnsmasq is another choice providing less flexibility in exchange for
ease of configurability and maintenance. The default config file generated
provides its use as the tftp server as well as handling dhcp-proxy or
dhcp-server proper with the adjustment of commenting and/or uncommenting lines

 1. Update the server, ensure the ip(s) is/are as desired (static is
    recommended) and /etc/hosts is as desired.
 2. Check to see if the loop module is installed. If not add a line with the
    word loop to /etc/modules and reboot the server. The current version of
    mount in Jessie (2.25.1-5) should automatically load the loop module as
 3. Install ltsp-server-standalone, ltsp-client (since there is to be no
    separate chroot) dnsmasq (an easy to configure tool) other desired software
    and the desktop environment of your choice.
 4. On the commandline run as root

    ltsp-config dnsmasq

    This creates a default config file /etc/dnsmasq.d/ltsp-server-dnsmasq.conf
 5. If the server will run one subnet containing the Internet connection and
    the clients it need have only one network interface card. In this case
    dnsmasq can be configured to run a dhcp-proxy if there already is another
    dhcp server active. In this case edit the above file to comment out the
    dhcp range line and ensure there is a line (uncommented) stating
 6. If the server will also run a dhcp-server then comment out the dhcp-proxy
    line and leave the dhcp-range line uncommented, ensuring the subnet entries
    are correct.
 7. On the commandline run as root:

    service dnsmasq restart

 8. Edit the config file /etc/ltsp/update-kernels.conf to have the uncommented


 9. Inspect and edit as desired /etc/ltsp/ltsp-update-image.excludes as some
    software running on the server will not be appropriate for the clients.
10. On the commandline run as root:

    ltsp-update-image --cleanup /

    This creates the squashfs image at /opt/ltsp/images used by nbd and takes
    an appropriate subset of what the actual server is running, which is why
    update-kernels.conf was edited earlier.
11. On the commandline run as root:

    ltsp-config nbd-server

    This creates 3 files: /etc/nbd-server/conf.d/swap.conf /etc/nbd-client and
    /etc/nbd-server/conf.d/ltsp_i386.conf. If there is an error message "FATAL:
    Module overlayfs not found" it is a non-issue since aufs is used instead of
12. On the commandline run as root:

    service nbd-server restart


Create users as appropriate for the clients

As this model describes a usage with nbd rather than Debian's default using nfs
note that the useful file lts.conf is in/var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/ which
among other things means that changes made to this file do NOT require a
re-creation of the squashfs image.

Installing LTSP on Lenny

 1. If you want a complete LTSP server with all the bells and whistles:

    apt-get install ltsp-server-standalone

    If you want more fine-grained control, splitting some services off to
    separate servers, you can install ltsp-server instead, and manually install
    each of the other services.

    (you can also get backported packages for lenny: LTSP/Howto/
 2. Build the LTSP client environment:


ltsp-build-client uses the Internet to fetch packages.

In case you got backported packages at step 1., it is strongly recommended to
use backports packages too to build client, or you may have incompatibilities
(bad ldm version, login failed...). Please, use the following command: 

 ltsp-build-client \
  --backports-mirror "http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports"; \
  --apt-key /etc/apt/trusted.gpg

(details: LTSP/Howto/Lenny-With-Backports)

In case your thin clients are old, please use the following parameter:

 ltsp-build-client \
  --arch i386

In case you have a slow Internet connection or want to use Local DVDs of
Debian. Please use the following command:

ltsp-build-client --mirror file://mnt/Debian_Lenny_Bluray_Image.img 
--security-mirror none --accept-unsigned-packages

Since the ltsp-build-client uses more than one Debian DVD you would need to
build a ?BluRay Image using the jigdo template of ?BluRay Disc. This Image
location can be passed as the argument. The security-mirror-none option
prevents updates from being downloaded. The accept-unsigned-packages allows the
building to go on even using unsigned packages.

  • If you're installing a different Debian distribution than what's on the
    server, you will need to specify the --dist xxx commandline option. where
    xxx is your Debian distribution (e.g. lenny, squeeze). See /usr/share/
    debootstrap/scripts/ and the Debootstrap page.
    ltsp-build-client will download a complete Debian filesystem into /opt/ltsp
    /i386 (or specify an alternate location with --base) and install the
    ltsp-client and ldm packages (the LTSP Display Manager). Typically, you
    will need a desktop environment like Gnome or Xfce, or a window manager
    such as icewm installed on the server (NOT in the chroot).

    If you change the IP data after you have done the initial setup, run
    ltsp-update-sshkeys on the server. The files the client will boot are
    installed on the server into /var/lib/tftpboot.
  • Configure /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf and /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf: Edit /etc/ltsp/
    dhcpd.conf to adapt to your network. See examples in /usr/share/doc/
    ltsp-server/examples/dhcpd.conf as a reference.

    Include the LTSP dhcpd.conf at the bottom of /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf:

    include "/etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf";

    Take care at the next-server line, which specify the IP address of the TFTP
    server. Restart dhcp3-server:

    invoke-rc.d dhcp3-server restart

    Alternately, configure /etc/dnsmasq.conf. See the example in /usr/share/doc
    /ltsp-server/examples/dhcpd-dnsmasq and adapt to your network.

    Restart dnsmasq:

    invoke-rc.d dnsmasq restart

  • Configure /etc/exports:

    /opt/ltsp *(ro,no_root_squash,async,no_subtree_check)

    Restart nfs-kernel-server:

    invoke-rc.d nfs-kernel-server restart

    Now make sure that portmap is not started on the loopback interface only.
    Look into /etc/default/portmap and verify that there is no line saying
    If there is such a line, comment it out by prepending a # character and
    restart portmap by:

    invoke-rc.d portmap restart

  • Start tftpd. By default, tftpd-hpa is started from inetd. you may need to
    restart inetd after installing tftpd-hpa:

    invoke-rc.d openbsd-inetd restart

    Alternately, edit /etc/default/tftpd-hpa to have tftpd-hpa start on its


    Then, comment the tftpd entry in /etc/inetd.conf:

    #tftp           dgram   udp     wait    root  /usr/sbin/in.tftpd 
/usr/sbin/in.tftpd -s /var/lib/tftpboot

    Restart inetd:

    invoke-rc.d openbsd-inetd restart

    and restart tftpd-hpa:

    invoke-rc.d tftpd-hpa restart

  • Boot a PXE or Etherboot capable machine and enjoy. Note that some older
    versions of etherboot do not support ELF images, and may not work without
    additional configuration.

Customizations in the chroot

Two important configuration files inside the client are /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/
i386/lts.conf (or /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf for NFS) and /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/
default/ltsp-client-setup. See the examples in /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/share/doc/

See also see the Edubuntu wiki http://doc.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/edubuntu/handbook
/C/customizing-thin-client.html (note: Debian LTSP still uses NFS by default).


LTSP/Howto (última edición 2014-10-23 14:53:24 efectuada por ?RichardKweskin)

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