El 22/02/16 11:02, Olemis Lang escribió:

"Required Experience

Mentors should be familiar with Node and Javascript. It's very helpful
to have completed at least the javascripting and learnyounode
workshoppers so you understand how the software works and what the
attendees are dealing with.

Do you need be an expert Node ninja guru double-rainbow? No! If you
are stumped on an attendee's question, it's more than okay to call on
another mentor for backup, or sit and work through the problem with
the attendee. Teaching truly is the best way to learn; you don't need
to have landed a patch in Node core to be a great mentor!" [2]_

.. [1]https://github.com/nodeschool/havana/issues/6

.. [2]https://github.com/nodeschool/organizers/wiki/Event-Mentor-Best-Practices
Español.... please

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