On Tue, Jul 19 2016, Hugo Florentino wrote:

> Yo para escritorio uso Manjaro con OpenRC y tampoco tengo problemas.
> El problema es que systemd cada vez se arraiga más en el kernel y va 
> creando dependencias cada vez más difíciles de reemplazar

¿En el núcleo? ¿Cómo cuales?

> , de modo que si las cosas siguen como van, no se hasta que punto
> pueda una distribución seguir usando linux sin systemd. Ultimamente
> hay quienes sugieren nada menos que para solucionar los problemas de
> compatibilidad systemd debe pasar al estándar POSIX!

No creo q suceda, desde el anuncio original[1] quedó claro:

  "It should be noted that systemd uses many Linux-specific features,
  and does not limit itself to POSIX. That unlocks a lot of
  functionality a system that is designed for portability to other
  operating systems cannot provide."

Que Linux implementa cuando es útil, porque en verdad no es tan útil
como parece, lee el artículo "The tale of two standards"[2], por Jeremy
Allison. El meollo, versión corta:

  "The idea was you specified "POSIX compliant" in your software
  purchasing requests, and the cheapest system that had the branding
  could be selected and it would satisfy the system requirement.

  "This ended up being less useful than it sounds, given that Microsoft
  Windows NT has been branded POSIX-compliant and generic Linux has not.

  "[...]Vendors didn't want to give up their proprietary advantages and
  so all of them pushed to get their particular implementation of a
  feature into POSIX. As all vendors don't have implementations of all
  parts of the standard this means that many of the features in POSIX
  are optional, usually just the one you need for your particular
  application. How can you tell if a particular implementation of POSIX
  has the feature you need? If you're lucky, you can test for it at
  compile time."

Windows NT era un SO POSIX porque implementaba el mínimo necesario, pero
eso era inútil para cualquier aplicación en la práctica.



[1] http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/systemd.html

[2] https://www.samba.org/samba/news/articles/low_point/tale_two_stds_os2.html


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