El 21/10/20 a las 16:24, Adrian escribió:

On 10/21/20 3:40 PM, Arian Molina Aguilera wrote:
El 20/10/20 a las 17:13, Jesús Roque Travieso escribió:

Yo tengo algo parecido pero uso active directory y el script es en perl

Enviado desde mi smartphone Samsung Galaxy.

-------- Mensaje original --------
De: adr...@sc.mfp.gob.cu
Fecha: 16/10/20 09:00 (GMT-05:00)
A: gutl-l@listas.jovenclub.cu
Asunto: [Gutl-l] notificacion espiracion user passwd

Hola listeros estoy tratando de hacer funcionar este scrip pero tengo un problema con esta parte


defaultPasswordPolicy, donde encuentro esto e buscado tos los dn en samba y no encuetro nada e usado estas lineas

[root@self ~]# ldapsearch -H ldap:// -LLL x -D "SC\administrator" -W -b "DC=sc,DC=mfp,DC=gob,DC=cu" "(&(objectclass=user))" o si alguien tien algun script que me notifique el usuario esta al expirar me lo hace llegar, esta es la ejecucion del script

Oct 16 12:46:58 self checkLdapPwdExpiration.sh[12706]: No password change date for denia3403 Oct 16 12:46:58 self checkLdapPwdExpiration.sh[12706]: No password change date for dayana Oct 16 12:46:58 self checkLdapPwdExpiration.sh[12706]: No password change date for maryleyvis Oct 16 12:46:58 self checkLdapPwdExpiration.sh[12706]: --- Statistics --- Oct 16 12:46:58 self checkLdapPwdExpiration.sh[12706]: Users checked: 137 Oct 16 12:46:58 self checkLdapPwdExpiration.sh[12706]: Account expired: 0 Oct 16 12:46:58 self checkLdapPwdExpiration.sh[12706]: Account in warning: 0
[root@self ~]#

encuentra los user e modificado unos cuantos user mediante al samba para que expiren en dos dias hata mas pero no me da respuesta de ello porque me falta encontrar lo antes plantiado #MY_LDAP_DEFAULTPWDPOLICYDN="ou=defaultPasswordPolicy,dc=example,dc=com"
agradeceria cualquier alluda con esto gracias.

a continuacion el script.

# LDAP host URI
# eg: ldap://localhost:389

# LDAP root DN (optional)
# eg: cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com

# LDAP root password (optional)

# LDAP default password policy DN
# eg: ou=defaultPasswordPolicy,dc=example,dc=com
# If commented, we suppose there are no default, and only per-user policies

# LDAP search base for users
# eg: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com

# LDAP search filter to use to get all users

# LDAP search scope to use to get all users

# Path to LDAP search binary

# Delay to begin sending adverts
# Comment to use the pwdExpireWarning value of the user's Password Policy

# LDAP attributes storing user's information
#   NAME: Display name of the user
#   LOGIN: Account ID of the user
#   MAIL: Email of the user

# Locale for date
# eg: export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8

# Mail body message, with particular variables :
#   %name : user name
#   %login : user login
MY_MAIL_BODY="From: %lo...@sc.mfp.gob.cu\n\n \
        Hi %name,\n\n \

        Please change your password. It will expire in %expireDays days on %expireTimeTZ.\n\n \

        As a reminder, the password policy is :\n\n \

        - Minimum Password Length : %pwdMinLength characters\n\n \
        - There is a password history, your new password must be different from you last %pwdInHistory passwords.\n\n \

        The LDAP team."

# Mail subject
MY_MAIL_SUBJECT="Your account will expire soon"

# Mail command binary
# Replace mailx by mail for RedHat

# Log header format
# Could include unix commands
MY_LOG_HEADER="`date +\"%b %e %T\"` `hostname` $0[$$]:"

# Path to GAWK (GNU awk) binary

# Functions

# Retrieves date in seconds.
# This function could take one parameter, a time returned by the command
# `date +"%Y %m %d %H %M %S"`. Without parameter, it returns GMT time.
getTimeInSeconds() {
        os=`uname -s`

        if [ "$1" ]; then
                date=`${MY_GAWK_BIN} 'BEGIN  { \
                        if (ARGC == 2) { \
                          print mktime(ARGV[1]) \
                        } \
                        exit 0 }' "$1"`
                if [ "${os}" = "SunOS" ]; then
                        # Under Sun Solaris, there is no simple way to
                        # retrieve epoch time.
                        # TODO: manage zulu time (GMT)
                        date=`/usr/bin/truss /usr/bin/date 2>&1 | nawk -F= \                                 '/^time\(\)/ {gsub(/ /,"",$2);print $2}'`
                        now=`date +"%Y %m %d %H %M %S" -u`
                        date=`getTimeInSeconds "$now"`

        echo ${date}

# Script

## Variables initialization
ldap_param="-LLL -H ${MY_LDAP_HOSTURI} -x"

## Some tests
if [ -d ${tmp_dir} ]; then
        echo "Error : temporary directory exists (${tmp_dir})"
        exit 1
mkdir ${tmp_dir}

if [ ${MY_LDAP_ROOTDN} ]; then
        ldap_param="${ldap_param} -D ${MY_LDAP_ROOTDN} -w ${MY_LDAP_ROOTPW}"

## Performs global search
        "dn" > ${result_file}

## Loops on results
while read dnStr
        # Do not use blank lines
        if [ ! "${dnStr}" ]; then

        # Process ldap search
        dn=`echo ${dnStr} | cut -d : -f 2`

        # Increment users counter
        nb_users=`expr ${nb_users} + 1`

        ${MY_LDAP_SEARCHBIN} ${ldap_param} -s base -b "${dn}" \
                ${MY_LDAP_NAME_ATTR} ${MY_LDAP_LOGIN_ATTR} ${MY_LDAP_MAIL_ATTR} pwdChangedTime pwdPolicySubentry \
                > ${buffer_file}

        login=`grep -w "${MY_LDAP_LOGIN_ATTR}:" ${buffer_file} | cut -d : -f 2 \
                | sed "s/^ *//;s/ *$//"`
        name=`grep -w "${MY_LDAP_NAME_ATTR}:" ${buffer_file} | cut -d : -f 2\
                | sed "s/^ *//;s/ *$//"`
        mail=`grep -w "${MY_LDAP_MAIL_ATTR}:" ${buffer_file} | cut -d : -f 2 \
                | sed "s/^ *//;s/ *$//"`
        pwdChangedTime=`grep -w "pwdChangedTime:" ${buffer_file} \
                | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -c 1-15 | sed "s/^ *//;s/ *$//"`
        pwdPolicySubentry=`grep -w "pwdPolicySubentry:" ${buffer_file} \
                | cut -d : -f 2 | sed "s/^ *//;s/ *$//"`

        # Go to next entry if no pwdChangedTime
        if [ ! "${pwdChangedTime}" ]; then
                echo "${MY_LOG_HEADER} No password change date for ${login}" >&2

        # Go to next entry if no pwdPolicySubEntry and no default policy         if [ ! "${pwdPolicySubentry}" -a ! "${MY_LDAP_DEFAULTPWDPOLICYDN}" ]; then                 echo "${MY_LOG_HEADER} No password policy for ${login}" >&2

        # Retrieves user policy pwdMaxAge and pwdExpireWarning attributes
        ldap_search="${MY_LDAP_SEARCHBIN} ${ldap_param} -s base"
        if [ "${pwdPolicySubentry}" ]; then
                ldap_search="${ldap_search} -b ${pwdPolicySubentry}"
                ldap_search="${ldap_search} -b ${MY_LDAP_DEFAULTPWDPOLICYDN}"

        ldap_search="$ldap_search pwdMaxAge pwdExpireWarning pwdMinLength pwdInHistory"         pwdMaxAge=`${ldap_search} | grep -w "pwdMaxAge:" | cut -d : -f 2 \
                | sed "s/^ *//;s/ *$//"`
        pwdExpireWarning=`${ldap_search} | grep -w "pwdExpireWarning:" | cut -d : -f 2 \
                | sed "s/^ *//;s/ *$//"`
        pwdMinLength=`${ldap_search} | grep -w "pwdMinLength:" | cut -d : -f 2 \
                | sed "s/^ *//;s/ *$//"`
        pwdInHistory=`${ldap_search} | grep -w "pwdInHistory:" | cut -d : -f 2 \
                | sed "s/^ *//;s/ *$//"`

        # Go to next user if no pwdMaxAge (no expiration)
        if [ ! "${pwdMaxAge}" ]; then
                echo "${MY_LOG_HEADER} No password expiration configured for ${login}" >&2

        # Replace MAIL_DELAY by pwdExpireWarning if exists

        # Retrieves time difference between today and last change.
        if [ "${pwdChangedTime}" ]; then
                s=`echo ${pwdChangedTime} | cut -c 13-14`
                m=`echo ${pwdChangedTime} | cut -c 11-12`
                h=`echo ${pwdChangedTime} | cut -c 9-10`
                d=`echo ${pwdChangedTime} | cut -c 7-8`
                M=`echo ${pwdChangedTime} | cut -c 5-6`
                y=`echo ${pwdChangedTime} | cut -c 1-4`
                pwdChangedTime=`getTimeInSeconds "$y $M $d $h $m $s"`
                diffTime=`expr ${currentTime} - ${pwdChangedTime}`

        # Go to next user if password already expired
        expireTime=`expr ${pwdChangedTime} + ${pwdMaxAge}`
        if [ ${currentTime} -gt ${expireTime} ]; then
                nb_expired_users=`expr ${nb_expired_users} + 1`
                echo "${MY_LOG_HEADER} Password expired for ${login}" >&2

        expireTimeTZ=`date -d @$expireTime "+%A %d %B %Y %T"`

        expireTimeMail=`date -d @$expireTime "+%s"`

        now=`date +%s`

        expireDays=`echo $(( (${expireTimeMail} - ${now} )/(60*60*24) ))`

        # ALL LDAP attributes should be there, else continue to next user
        if [ "${mail}" -a "${name}" \
                -a "${login}" -a "${diffTime}" -a "${pwdMaxAge}" ]
                # Ajusts time with delay
                diffTime=`expr ${diffTime} + ${MY_MAIL_DELAY}`
                if [ ${diffTime} -gt ${pwdMaxAge} ]; then
                        logmsg=`echo ${logmsg} | sed "s/%name/${name}/; \                                 s/%login/${login}/; s/%expireTimeTZ/${expireTimeTZ}/; s/%pwdMinLength/${pwdMinLength}/; s/%pwdInHistory/${pwdInHistory}/; \

                        # Sending mail...
                        echo "${logmsg}" | ${MY_MAIL_BIN} -s "${MY_MAIL_SUBJECT}" ${mail} >&2

                        # Print debug information on STDERR
                        echo "${MY_LOG_HEADER} Mail sent to user ${login} (${mail})" >&2

                        # Increment warning counter
                        nb_warning_users=`expr ${nb_warning_users} + 1`

done < ${result_file}

# Print statistics on STDOUT
echo "${MY_LOG_HEADER} --- Statistics ---"
echo "${MY_LOG_HEADER} Users checked: ${nb_users}"
echo "${MY_LOG_HEADER} Account expired: ${nb_expired_users}"
echo "${MY_LOG_HEADER} Account in warning: ${nb_warning_users}"

# Delete temporary files
rm -rf ${tmp_dir}

# Exit
exit 0
Gutl-l mailing list -- gutl-l@listas.jovenclub.cu
To unsubscribe send an email to gutl-l-le...@listas.jovenclub.cu

Gutl-l mailing list -- gutl-l@listas.jovenclub.cu
To unsubscribe send an email to gutl-l-le...@listas.jovenclub.cu

y cual es ese script en perl. para ver si se puede adaptar para correr en linux, al final samba4 se comporta igual que un AD, y tiene sus mismos esquemas.

Gutl-l mailing list --gutl-l@listas.jovenclub.cu
To unsubscribe send an email togutl-l-le...@listas.jovenclub.cu

lo puedes encontrar en https://github.com/ltb-project/ldap-script

lo saque de hay y es el usado por self-service-password para notificar a los user estoy tratando de acotejarlo un poco.

suerte y comparte si logras algo

Gutl-l mailing list -- gutl-l@listas.jovenclub.cu
To unsubscribe send an email to gutl-l-le...@listas.jovenclub.cu

es así https://github.com/ltb-project/ldap-scripts, fue que comiste la S, al copiar y pegar el enlace. Gracias.

Arian Molina Aguilera
Administrador de Redes y Servicios Telemáticos
Linux Usuario Registrado #392892
Telfs: +53(7)696-7510 ext 236
jabber: linuxc...@teknik.io
Brascuba Cigarrillos S.A. La Habana. Cuba.
“Nunca consideres el estudio como una obligación,
sino como una oportunidad para penetrar en el bello
y maravilloso mundo del saber. Albert Einstein”

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Gutl-l mailing list -- gutl-l@listas.jovenclub.cu
To unsubscribe send an email to gutl-l-le...@listas.jovenclub.cu

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