Hello everyone;

This is my *Week 9 Report *of *New rules for the Topology Framework in
gvSIG Desktop GSoC2020 project * [1]. If you have any question or
suggestion do not hesitate to tell me.

*What did you get done this week?*

   - Changes in topology core of gvSIG Desktop. Add new methods;
   CreateRuleParameters, SetParameters and GetParameters and modify class;
   TopologyRuleFactory, TopologyRule and CreateRuleDialog. *Week 8*. [2]
   - UDR code implementation.[3]
   -  Weekly report.[4]

*What do you plan on doing next week?*

   - Create DeleteFeature action.
   - Test and debug the code.
   - Weekly report.

*Are you blocked on anything?*

   - NO

Kind regards.

José Olivas Carriquí


[3] https://github.com/jolicar/TopologyRuleUserDefinedRule/tree/master/code
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