
For someone who has repeatedly complained about the lack of clear 
documentation on use of Jython Scripting and Beanshell, this looks all 
too complicated. Just want some simply feedback stating that out of the 
500MB of memory allocated I am using 80MB (OK) or 499MB (Panic). This 
way I can consider what I do in my normal projects and adjust the memory 
allocated to gvSIG accordingly.

Is there a log of memory usage by gvSIG that may be relevant. I note 
that a file called gvSIG.log in the gvSIG folder of my home directory. 
This appears to be a log of tasks requested with some details of the 
memory usage. Would it be possible to redirect this memory usage 
information to the message bar at the bottom of the screen in gvSIG next 
to where the scale, X, Y, SRS data or in a separate toolbar. The 
feedback ould be verbal (X/Y used, %, and/or visual) -- this would allow 
the user to view memory usage in real time and to identify when they are 
stretching allocated resources. Just a thought.

Cheers Simon

Simon Cropper
Botanicus Australia Pty Ltd
PO Box 160, Sunshine, Victoria 3020.
P: 9311 5822. M: 041 830 3437.
web: <>

On 8/01/2010 7:15 PM, Jorge Piera wrote:
> Hi,
> You can use jconsole [1]
> Regards,
> Jorge.
> [1]
> Simon Cropper (Botanicus Australia Pty Ltd) wrote:
>> Jorge,
>> Is there a way of monitoring memory within the JAVA VM environment?
>> Cheers Simon
>> Simon Cropper
>> Botanicus Australia Pty Ltd
>> PO Box 160, Sunshine, Victoria 3020.
>> P: 9311 5822. M: 041 830 3437.
>> mailto:
>> <>
>> web:<>
>> On 8/01/2010 6:45 PM, Jorge Piera wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> The optimum setting for memory depends on your environment and the
>>> application that your are running. I would try values from 500MB up to 1GB.
>>> Regards,
>>> Jorge.
>>> Simon Cropper (Botanicus Australia Pty Ltd) wrote:
>>>> Jorge,
>>>> My settings are command = #JAVA#
>>>> -Djava.library.path="#GVSIG_INSTALL_PATH#\lib" -cp #CLASSPATH# -Xmx500M
>>>> -Xss1024k com.iver.andami.Launcher gvSIG gvSIG/extensiones #ARGS#
>>>> What is the optimum setting for memory? I run a Windows XP SP3 2GB of
>>>> memory.
>>>> Cheers Simon
>>>> Simon Cropper
>>>> Botanicus Australia Pty Ltd
>>>> PO Box 160, Sunshine, Victoria 3020.
>>>> P: 9311 5822. M: 041 830 3437.
>>>> mailto:
>>>> <>
>>>> web:<>
>>>> On 8/01/2010 5:52 PM, Jorge Piera wrote:
>>>>> Hello Simon.
>>>>> Hi.
>>>>> You can run gvSIG using more memory. Just edit the (or the
>>>>> gvSIG.ini) file located in the installation directory (folder bin) and
>>>>> find the text "-Xmx500M". 500M is the number of MB that you want to use
>>>>> when you execute the Java Virtual Machine. You can change this number by
>>>>> the number of MB that you want and next time that you run gvSIG, it will
>>>>> use this number of MB./
>>>>> /
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Jorge.
>>>>> Simon Cropper (Botanicus Australia Pty Ltd) wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I managed to generate a Java Heap error in gvSIG.
>>>>>> Unfortunately I was unable to capture any error details.
>>>>>> I can tell you what I was doing and hopefully you can reproduce.
>>>>>> I was editing a shapefile's attribute table. Specifically I was changing
>>>>>> the values of a field used in complex labeling in individually defined
>>>>>> labeling classes - 10W = 10m high white writing, 5W = 5m high white
>>>>>> writing, etc.
>>>>>> The shapefile is present 3 times in ToC. The first is site #, second
>>>>>> vegetation type, third quality. The label sizre is based on a field
>>>>>> called [LglGrp]. I was editing this field when I asked myself what the
>>>>>> previous instance of the shapefile looked like. Without really thinking
>>>>>> I clicked on the first instance (Site #) of the shapefile to view the
>>>>>> labels (without saving my changes) and BANG all hell broke loose - I had
>>>>>> numerous Java Heap Errors.
>>>>>> I exited the program without saving and reentered. The shapefile was
>>>>>> intact but the recent edits were lost (obviously). I have scoured the
>>>>>> system but no error log was found.
>>>>>> I have tried to repeat my steps but have not been able to triggered the
>>>>>> error again.
>>>>>> Anyone know what would have triggered such a response? Memory issues?
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