Hi list,

today I encountered problems reading a dxf file with Autocad.
What did I do?
I generated an annotation file from a shapefile which I then exported to
gvSIG (both 1.1.2 and 1.9) properly displayed the exported dxf as points
with text.
As I tried to load this dxf into Autocad 2002 as well as into Autocad 2009
the file could not be opened due to an invalid database reference in line
(the german error text is "Ungültige Datenbankreferenz 0 auf Zeile 990.
Ungültige oder unvollständige DXF-Eingabe -- Zeichnung abgebrochen.")

Does anybody have a clue
a) what this error means and
b) how I can solve this problem?

Any hint or suggestion is appreciated


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