Hi all

The gvSIG team have been discussing this morning about the best approach 
to give you the most useful resources.

The first option for us is to use our portal (http://www.gvsig.org). The 
main plone instance is our first documentation resource and can not be 
used as a community repository of documents.

By the way, we can create another plone instance with a fresh new 
database and user management. On this new instance we can enable the 
automatic registration process in order to let anyone willing to 
collaborate to access with the appropriate role to start working on the 
portal immediately.

Plone, out of the box has a professional publication workflow, with 
roles for editors, reviewers and so on that can be used on this 
instance. This way, we can have some people, committed with the 
initiative, reviewing and publishing documents, and others writing, 
translating, or whatever.

But, this solution is, of course, our recommendation. To implement it we 
need some time and, as resources are expensive, we don't want to do 
anything without more feedback from you, in order to assure that the 
solution we implement is afterwards used. We don't want to force any 
decision, and we prefer to involve you on this decision.

Thus, we've decided to create an open working group at our portal, to 
let you work for some time there. This working group will decide if we 
go on with a new plone instance for community generated documentation or 
is preferable to research another solutions.

At this time the working group 
(https://gvsig.org/web/projects/contrib/community-doc) is a just a 
template that will be filled with a proper descriptions and so on. 
Anyone willing to collaborate can mail me or Jorge Sanz and will give 
you a portal user account (if you don't have one) and permissions over 
this working group space to let you test it, participate on its own 
forum, etc.

On the other hand, last week Jorge proposed to arrange a meeting to 
discuss all this thing and no one answered. We think it is a good idea 
because it would boost this special interest group and don't let to 
loose the momentum of this great initiative.

Best regards,


Mario Carrera Rodríguez
Grupo SIG-CAD / gvSIG
Asistencia técnica externa
Servicio de Organización e Informática
Conselleria d'Infraestructures i Transport
Generalitat Valenciana
Valencia (España)
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Gracias por su colaboración.
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