Il 24/02/2010 14.06, Nicolas DEVAUX ha scritto:
> Antonio Falciano a écrit :
>> Il 24/02/2010 11.56, Nicolas DEVAUX ha scritto:
>>> gvSIG 1.9 Sextante 0.3-1232 Ubuntu 9.10
>>> Hi, I have a bolean reclassified raster layer with 0 and 1 values
>>> cells. I'm looking for a tool that count the total number of each
>>> value cell in the raster layer. I tried the function Sort with
>>> sextante but it didn't work... Do i need a specific raster format for
>>> doing this ?
>>> Does anybody have an idea ?
>> Hi Nicolas,
>> you can use the histogram tool in gvSIG [1] on your before reclassified
>> raster layer, without the need to change its format. Hope this helps!
>> Cheers,
>> Antonio
>> [1]
> I already tried this solution.
> It can work with very few values raster layer, but how do you do if you
> have 20 or 30 different values ?
> I tried to export the statistics, but the resulting table gave me the
> rank order of the different cells values and not the exact cell value
> that I have in each cell...
> I would like to have something like in other GIS softwares that can
> count all pixels associate with such or such other values...

have you already tried "Class statistics" tool available into "Raster 
analysis" group in SEXTANTE?


Antonio Falciano
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