Il 24/03/2011 8.28, Wolfgang Qual ha scritto:
> Dear gvSIG-team,
> thank you very much for releasing this new (sub)version.
> Is it possible to get some information on "Add-ons installer (beta)." - are
> there already add-ons available?
> Short reply would be great!

Hi Wolfgang,
the Add-ons installer seems to work fine! :-) I've successfully 
installed the normalization and remote sensing extensions and they are 
loaded correctly after restarting gvSIG.
On the other side, SEXTANTE (not tested by gvSIG team) is not working 
fine as it did in gvSIG 1.10 and the "cachedir/packages dirs + field 
calculator" problem (on Vista and 7) is not fixed yet. In the first 
case, the workaround consists into deleting "es.unex.sextante" directory 
and replacing it with the one coming with gvSIG 1.10 (or with a newer 
version). In the second, we need to start gvSIG as administrator and 
launch the Jython console.


Antonio Falciano

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