Hello Jorge,
gvSIG was born without trademarks [1]. The owners of the copyright are now 
different than the ones at the beginning of the project. Things have changed a 
lot since the gvSIG incubator application request was sent to OSGeo [1]. This 
link should be actualized and the actual situation of gvSIG should be new 
exposed: names of all official committers, relationships with commercial 
companies or products, patents, trademarks, copyright, people actively 
contribute (code, documentation, other?), actual sponsors, etc
These changes about trademarks were never notified in this list. My apologies 
if the name of the project is creating confusion. gvSIG CE was created as many 
other projects with the name of gvSIG. After the creation of gvSIG CE, we were 
informed about the existing trademarks.
Instead of starting any expensive and painful legal action, we should keep on 
working, producing good code like we are making now. Developers from gvSIG EIEL 
and gvSIG CE made important contributions to gvSIG 1.10, 1.11 and 1.12.
Let's keep working together in different repositories. We are more effective 
and faster now than following the official procedures. More contributions will 
come from gvSIG CE Team to gvSIG 1x.
Otherwise, you have announced, the gvSIG Association will invest its resources 
in gvSIG 2x. Let us then develop in peace gvSIG 1x. and integrate SEXTANTE 
there as it should be done. No matter of we are official or not. Do not try to 
make official a community, this will never work.
Best regards!

[1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GvSIG_incubator_application_request
13. Is the code free of patents, trademarks, and do you control the copyright?
gvSIG is free of patents and trademarks, and the copyright is controlled by the 
project owners.

>On the other hand the gvSIG
>Association retains the "gvSIG" trademark but AFAIK it haven't started
>any legal action just because we have more important things to put
>energy on right now.
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