For the records a couple of links about the gvSIG Association:

- Blog post explaining what the gvSIG Association is:
- gvSIG Association regulation (in English, French and Spanish):

A careful read of the bylaws will arise that Fernando's concerns about a single 
partner getting control of the Association is really difficult to happen as all 
the members, regardless of the size, have the same vote power.

And I'm talking about the Association. The technical leading of the project is 
on the Technical Steering Committee, a gvSIG Project group, that is to say, it 
is not a group inside the Association responsibility.

And you are true about this thread Fran, it's long enough indeed.


Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas
Ingeniero en Geodesia y Cartografía
Prodevelop S.L. - Valencia - España
Tlf.:  96.351.06.12 - Fax:   96.351.09.68

-----Mensaje original-----
De: en nombre de Francisco José 
Enviado el: vie 03/08/2012 11:37
Para: Users mailing list
Asunto: Re: [Gvsig_english] gvSIG and gvSIG-CE,when will someone clarify the 

Hi All.

My 2 cents, very short because I'm in holidays....

1.- I think the Association is doing a very hard work in order to keep
going gvSIG. All (I mean All) the people belonging the Assoc invest lots of
time (some times paid, many times unpaid) in tasks for gvSIG project.
2.- There is a strong community behind gvSIG project. Thanks to all of
them. From heart.
3.- The Assoc. is centered in helping to raise funds needed to improve
gvSIG. Sometimes we need tasks to be done, and the tasks are too long or
hard (no people can do in his own), so, the Assoc. is paying for those
tasks to be done. For example, 1.12 release will come thanks to the Assoc.
(It has given money to help Cartolab with all the tests).
4.- We can make things good or bad. Sometimes we did well, sometimes we do
bad, we are humans. We try to do our best. We think there are valid rules,
and if those rules are applied well, the product (gvSIG) will be better. We
are trying to polish or relax some rules when we detect bad results.
5.- Some of us think this is the way to go. Some of us (people in CE
project were part of the project in the past) thought the way to go is to
6.- I think we should respect all decissions, and keep trying to
collaborate (if possible). At least in technical part, we think there are
good collaboration points in recent times (I will be sad if we cannot
achieve this). Respect is important, both sides.
7.- CE is a fork, but many people is not aware of it. I think the name is
not good for the community. In two senses:
a) There are people that are not aware of wich project is using, and we
receive bugs or questions that are mixed.
b) CE means Community Edition. This name is used in other projects when
there is a paid version and other free (as free beer), This is not true,
both are free. And of course, gvSIG has a strong community behind, so,
which Community is referring to...?

In the commercial part, I have heard there are problems to explain to many
clients. It will be easy with different names, to show there are different

Just a final thought: When we think in Software Libre, there are people
thinking in lots of developers, working by heart (unpaid). This is not true
most of the time. Lots of projects are maintained from a group of
developers (paid by companies) supporting the project, and earning money by
his work. I prefer this model, I like to work in SL full time.
And I think the companies and administrations using SL will be more
confident knowing there is a good support (wich means bussiness).
This is the model the Assoc. is defending. Our company is paying 8% of all
projects to Assoc., in order to keep the project strong, and to help those
unpleasant tasks done (hard testing, releasing a new version, meetings,
promotion, etc).
This model may or may not be wrong, but I think right now gvSIG is alive,
so... my respects to the people who has thought the model, and has spent
many nights worrying about that.

Best regards, and interesting thread.... although a bit long, isn't it? ;-)


2012/8/3 Fernando González <>

> > Can I invite you a geobeer on the next Geoinquietos Valencia meeting as
> > a compensation? :-)
> Yeah for sure. But it will be me who'll invite you, for my continuous
> absences and lack of commitment lately ;)
> Indeed I was not offended, but I wanted to state the fact that gvSIG
> CE is adding efforts. At least, Jose and Ben are working very hard and
> having a lot of success with gvSIG related projects. They are raising
> funding and investing it in the improvement of both gvSIG and gvSIG
> CE.
> From my point of view, I don't like the role of the association in
> gvSIG. For me the association should support any positive gvSIG
> related action and in the case of gvSIG CE it is not. It results in an
> association that does not represent gvSIG community but that has its
> own interests on it.
> Furthermore, the association DO has a strong weight in the community
> and it is not clear (at least for me) how it works internally. What
> consequences could happen if tomorrow someone with destructive
> interests takes a top post in the association? Well, if the
> association is independent from the community and has its own election
> processes I think it should not have such a strong influence in the
> community because otherwise, the project is not driven by the
> community.
> Also, the fact that most of the people in the association is Spanish,
> and belong to the CIT or are clients of the CIT makes one wonder if
> some clientelism dynamics take place there. This is a very serious
> issue. I DO know clientelism dynamics took place when CIT had some
> money, not sure if now it's the case anymore, but I would bet on that.
> For all this, currently I'm personally aligned with those that prefer
> to give the code to OSGEO instead of to the association. I signed the
> CLA because in the end, the code is what matters and developers try to
> do their best to collaborate, despite the guys that try to control the
> uncontrollable.
> Hope these thoughts help to improve the project. Of course don't give
> them much importance, they are just my particular perceptions.
> What I regret is that two efforts that improve gvSIG ecosystem do not
> talk more constructively. There are conflict resolving techniques but
> no one here seems to care about it.
> Sad.
> Wow, next 50 lines I write will be in Java...
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Francisco José Peñarrubia

Software Colaborativo


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