On 10/09/12 04:35, Adi Fajar RAMLY wrote:
Hi all,

Does it possible to do composite image in gvSIG? I am having problem in composite bands. Remote Sensing Algorithms in 1.12 devel still can not run well and either the clip grid with bbox and crop grid with polygon layer.

Any idea?

Thanks so much.

I think that you need to install Remote Sensing extension to gvSIG 1.11 and you should know that it is a developing extension . But to do composite image, you can work with 1.12 or 1.11 without extension Remote Sensing installed. In the manual [1] or Course [2] are registred some exercises that help you.


María Maluenda Rico
Proyecto gvSIG
Conselleria d'Infraestructures, Territori i Medi Ambient
València (Spain)

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