

OpenGeo just released the latest version (3.0) the OpenGeo Suite.  As a
valued Enterprise Edition client we wanted to alert you to this update.

Along with upgrading various components—GeoServer
, PostGIS 2.0 <http://blog.opengeo.org/2012/04/03/postgis-2-0-released/>,
1.3 <http://geowebcache.org/>—this release brings significant enhancements
to processing, security and a caching configuration. Here are some

   - Server-side
      - OGC Web Processing Service (WPS) provides a standard for inputs and
      outputs (requests and responses) for geospatial processing
services such as
      polygon overlays, buffers, or custom processes.
      - Rendering
processing operations easier in browser-based visualizations by
      enabling just-in-time use of any WPS process as part of any
layer’s style.
      - Server-side
Python and JavaScript allows
      users to easily deploy their own server-side processes using concise and
      straightforward APIs.
      - PostGIS
vector and raster analysis into the database.
   - GeoServer 
supports user groups as well as a number of new authentication
   mechanisms including LDAP, digest and X.509 certificate authentication.
   - Virtual 
GeoServer to support multi-tenancy, enabling a single GeoServer
   instance to publish multiple service endpoints.
   - A new caching
in GeoServer includes the ability to define new grid sets,
   specify which layers to cache, seed or truncate the cache, and more.
   - OGC Web Feature Service
2.0<http://blog.opengeo.org/2011/07/12/inspire-update/> (WFS)
   adds some interesting new capabilities, including paging, stored queries,
   and extended operators.

Check the release notes
<http://opengeo.org/products/suite/releasenotes/>for full details.

To access the software install packages we’ve created a new section in our
support portal. Enterprise support clients can log in to
http://support.opengeo.org using their existing opengeo support
credentials. You’ll find the software posted on the welcome page and in the
software downloads topic in the forums section.

The OpenGeo support team is always available to assist with your upgrades,
just send an email to supp...@opengeo.org or your group's mailing list and
we'll be happy to help. If you’re comfortable upgrading on your own make
sure you backup your data and settings before making any changes to your
current installations.

Have any questions about either the software or upgrading? Unable to access
the above repositories? Please send an email to your group's mailing list.
(Please don't respond to this message.)

As always, we thank you for being an OpenGeo client.


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