Il 16/10/2014 15:34, Mario Carrera ha scritto:
> Hi all,
> we've published a workshop about the new gvSIG 2.1 version in English.
> This workshop was given at the 1st Mexican gvSIG Conference, in April,
> and it has been translated to English thanks to Elena Sánchez and
> Francisco Solís.
> It shows the main gvSIG functionalities, and it includes the new
> features that have been included in gvSIG 2.1.
> The workshop and the cartography are available from [1].
> We hope it's useful for you.
> Best regards,
>       Mario
> [1]

Hi Mario, all,
thank you all for sharing this interesting workshop!
For Mexican gvSIG users, I'd like to say that the EPSG Registry has been
updated in the meanwhile (v. 8.5 in the latest builds of gvSIG 2.1.0),
so EPSG:6362 (Mexico ITRF92 / LCC), but also the more recent EPSG:6372
(Mexico ITRF2008 / LCC), can be used in place of the User CRS described
in the workshop. Hope this helps!


Antonio Falciano
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