On Wed, 27 Jul 2005, Elizabeth Walpole wrote:

> I will do what I can to stop image theft but I don't have the
> resources to search the internet every time somebody submits a picture
> so, I'm going to work on a presumption of innocence until proven
> guilty. However I will keep a record of the name of the person who
> submits a photo and if somebody brings it to my attention I will ban
> any image thief from submitting more photos.

Perhaps also make an explicit rule that people are to submit only photos
of themselves or costumes they have made (or something similarly
restrictive). Otherwise people might assume the purpose of the site is to
seek comments on costumes they've seen elsewhere, e.g. "I saw someone
wearing this, what do you think?" or "Look what I found, isn't this a
hoot?" -- these can be valid questions but probably not what you want in
your forum, and that's where the privacy and copyright violations will

I think asking everyone who posts pictures or comments to register first
might be a good way to cut down on the viciousness that appeared on the
original site, if there's some way to allow people to vote/comment without
their identities being posted (but perhaps accessible to you). Then you
could boot the trolls and ballot-box stuffers.

You might also consider making explicit just what the question means. Is
it "Please identify every possible error you can spot in this based on
your personal knowledge of the period," or -- and I'm guessing this is
more likely -- "If you saw this person at an event, rate your overall
initial impression from 0 (wandered in by mistake) to 10 (stepped out of a
time machine)." 

Also, consider whether you want to allow people to specify in their
picture postings just what they want viewers to consider: the whole outfit
or just a certain portion, the period/place/class they're aiming for,
whether it's a first attempt, whether it's 95 degrees out and that's why
they took off the fur-lined overdress, whether it was an informal snapshot
and thus the person happened to be wearing glasses and carrying a
clipboard but please comment on the outfit thankyouverymuch.


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