At 07:06 AM 8/3/2005, you wrote:
I have often wondered, that there must be many portraits at the Louvre Museum in Paris. Unfortunately i have never been there, but they must have as many portraits from the period, as the english has. Dont know if there are any french books arround.

Hi Bjarne,

I checked the online images from the Louvre, and while some were interesting for French hoods, all the images online are too small to be really usable, mainly because they take their images to include the lovely frames around the portraits as well. Great for seeing the overall image, but not as good when looking for details.

Because you mention it, I went looking for one of my books I had overlooked. I own a French book of Jean Clouet's drawings, but my French is very rusty. I hope to scan the images in soon anyway, as there are a couple that would do very nicely.

Thank you for your help and suggestions.


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