----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Penny Ladnier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "h-costume" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 10:16 AM
Subject: [h-cost] Storm update

I had promised last week that we would have a free access to our Library at
the beginning of this week.  I am taking some days off this week and have to
cancel the free access. A lot of people have written asking about the
Library access.  After you read the following I think you will understand
why I am taking a few days off.
I'm so sorry to hear about your family, but on the topic of the Costume
Library if you've made this promise in several different quarters (aside
from this list) perhaps a note on the website itself to the effect that you
have to take time out due to large numbers of your families being affected
by the hurricane may help stop the emails on the topic.
I'm going to take this opportunity to pass on a suggestion that was made on
another list, donating to the red cross or other organisations participating
in the disaster relief is a good idea in the short term but don't forget
about the long term rebuilding of lives as well.
Once the essentials are taken care of and things like rebuilding houses has
been completed (or is at least well underway) we can help those who share
our hobby to get back to their normal life, a lot of our fellow costumers
will have lost fabric stashes built up over years, their wardrobe of
costumes, patterns, books, sewing machines and all those useful little
things you gradually accumulate over the years. Too often people forget
about a disaster once it moves off the front pages but perhaps we could
think long term. Go through your fabric stash (I'm sure most people on this
list have worked out they have more than they are ever likely to use even if
they stopped collecting today) Go through your library and work out if you
have 2 copies of a useful book, make a copy of your best patterns, Then find
a group in the affected area that shares your interests (presumably there
are several list members in the area you can ask them once they're back
online) and ask them if they would be interested in taking your
books/patterns/fabric etc. to share among members of their group. (original
credit for the germ of this idea must go to Stephen du Toit on the
Renaissance Tailor yahoogroup)
Elizabeth Walpole
Canberra Australia

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