Well, I haven't. And I've worked at a couple of prestigious research labs, and for one prestigious research journal. For one thing, in my experience a research lab does not have only one project. There are usually many, only very loosely related (or even unrelated) projects going on at one time. In job interviews at such places, certainly applicants say they are interested in the work that is going on in that project or group, and mention their qualifications for working on that project and in that group. Also, at a higher level, their qualifications for starting new projects. They may even have contacts within the company. However, this is not competition for _social status_ It's competition for a job. Furthermore, potential employees are still interviewed and screened, and still have to present adequate qualifications.

And a research journal usually publishes a variety of articles, which don't necessarily "agree" with each other by any means. People don't tend to do scientific research just to write an article about it. They write the article(s) to let other people know about what they have discovered, and/or interpreted, and/or theorized. Yes, they also write to publicize themselves and the company they work for, which helps some in getting grants and perhaps, later on, jobs elsewhere for the researchers who worked on the project. But again, this is not _social_ competition. And again, articles undergo rigorous screening for scientific plausibility.

Not all competition is social, not everyone wants to or is allowed to BS to compete professionally, and not all screening is personally supportive or vindictive.
Lavolta Press

You mean like "Lab XYZ is *the* place to be (rather like publishing in
*that* journal because it's number is higher), so I'm going to espouse
their philosophy in the hopes of getting a job there ...

I've heard of it done.

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