I miss Bennetton! And still own a classic pair of Bennetton wool trousers I 
bought over 25 years ago.
As for the "we" comments about today's fashion and culture - I think that they 
are simply gross generalizations about today's youth and should be viewed as 
such. From the little I have read from the folks here, I don't believe any of 
us would fit into the mould of today's pop culture. I know I don't. In truth, I 
don't think a vast majority of young people fit this mould either. Just to give 
one example, my niece buys all vintage 20th century fashion, mostly from the 
40's and 50's.
Annette M
Message: 10
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 16:31:11 -0400
From: Gail & Scott Finke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Penny wrote:

> We want everything fast and then throw it away in a short
> amount of time.  We are all guilty of throw it away instead of 
> products.  Mass production makes it so much cheaper to purchase a new
> product instead of repairing.

This is not true in Europe, or at least it wasn't 10 years ago when I 
an article about Benneton for a retail magazine. The company had opened 
stores, but they failed miserably. They were trying to redo the stores, 
the person in charge told me that the company had misunderstood the 
market. Benneton sweaters, she told me, were considered middle-priced
clothing in Europe, while here they were considered expensive (they 
about $80 on sale then). The company was not geared to a "wear it for a 
or two and get rid of it" mentality. They expected people to keep their
Benneton clothes for a long time.

She also explained that Benneton did not have any ladies' dress 
jackets, and
that this was a staple of American women's work wardrobes (dress 
dress skirts, and dress jackets, all of them mix and match). She said 
in Europe, women wore a lot more dresses to work, and a lot more 

Benneton was designed for people who have fewer, nicer clothes, and who 
them longer. It could not compete as it was with the American market 
for a
LOT of less expensive clothes. I don't know what it's like now...

Gail Finke

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