Always remember that this is a volunteer outfit!

Oh, you thought I was getting paid for this job? Only the park rangers get paid at this site. The rest of us are doing it because we want to.

## Great idea! Cull out the rotten apples first! Perhaps there is another historic site near you
that these items would be more appropriate for?

If these garments are any period, they're Laura Ashley - too cutesy-poo for any real historical use.

## For those who are only occasional volunteers it is a good idea to have some loaner stuff available. It's impossible to try and have something for -every- body, but you can make an attempt anyway. Having the core people make their own stuff does go a long way towards a feeling of
inclusion and ownership of the project.

This is the only program I've ever been in where the costumes were provided. Everyplace else I've been you have to provide your own. So I'm trying to downplay the "provided" aspect and encourage the "ownership" one. This will make my job more difficult, but it should stretch our budget much farther (assuming we still have a budget next year...). In future I hope it's only the really new docents, or the drop-ins, who will be wearing the loaners.

can, make a fabric swatch book.

Great idea.  Thanx.

It wouldn't hurt to also list some of the "don't go there" stuff, and why it's off-limits.

I hesitate to tell a real newbie what she or he mustn't do, for fear they'll do it. But I guess I can take a picture of the worst of the "don't go there" garments, for an example of what to avoid.

As far as having sewing sessions, this is a wonderful thing! Are there any young ladies who would like to join in? (This is a great way for older Girl Scouts to get all kinds of service badges).

I wish I knew some Girl Scouts. Mostly the program's historian and I will be sewing mens' shirts. Then I will be doing smaller sessions with any new volunteer who wants to make her own costume.

       CarolynKayta Barrows
dollmaker, fibre artist, textillian

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