At 04:49 PM 10/17/2005, you wrote:
I'm reading an article: "Objets archéologiques; Témoins d’une quaiité de vie urbaine dans le bourg monastique: by Nicole Meyer Rodrigues in Dossiers d'Archaologie no. 297 (Oct. 2004) pp. 94-101. On page 94 there is a picture of a knitted cap from the beginning of the 14th century - it's described as "Bonnet en byssus" -- the text appears on page 101 as "Un bonnet tricoté en byssus, ou “soie marine ou encore “laine de poisson”, substance sécrétée par la pinna nobilis, un grand coquillage bivalve de méditerranée. le bonnet provient d’un dépotoir dont le remplissage est date du debut du XiVe siècle..." which roughly means "A bonnet knitted in byssus, or "marine silk" or "fish wool", substance secreted by the pinna nobilis, a large bivalvular shell of the Mediterranean. the bonnet comes from a dump whose filling is date of the beginning of XIVe century..."

Has anyone ever heard of this stuff or worked with it?


I ran a quick search on "byssal threads". This article has a statement that may support the article you cited. Personally, I have never tried to collect byssal threads from mussels, though here's an article showing how to work with them.

Joan Jurancich

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