Right, well it looks like we have sufficient interest. :)

I'll try to answer the questions folks have asked:

My only comment is are you going to limit it to the U.S.

Anyone on the H-Cost list is invited. US and non-US members, men and women, and especially the new members and lurkers.

If folks feel that shipping to a foreign country is troublesome, they have the option to ask for a US recipient, or of just not participating.

>I would prefer that given the nature of the list, the gift be somehow >related to costume--a book, fabric, trimming, a pattern, a sewing tool

That is the general idea of the exhange -- sewing, costume, or historical clothing related gifts to each other. And even then that's a pretty broad range of things.

It could be something you make, or something you buy. There are any number of sewing related gift items this time of year.

>Virtually everything sent from the U.S seems to incur a charge

I have found, from my experience, that smaller and lighter packets are less likely to get noticed by Customs. Under a certain weight and it doesn't even require a customs form. YMMV.

If folks overseas know their duty free limit, they should plan to put that it their description of themselves.

> Not all of us celebrate the holidays in the same way (or for
the same reasons)

I've purposely left the "holiday" ambiguous. :)

>If i get someone who has interrest in medieval, i would not be much helpfull, have never done any medieval and what then?

You should have enough information about the person to be able to find something suitable for one of their interests. Use your best judgement.

>I won't have time to make anything ... but I have a huge stash of fabrics, art postcards, trims, patterns, etc. that I'd be delighted to delve into,

Purchased gifts would be fine. I didn't figure everyone would have the time or inclination to make something by hand, and probably many people would love to have trims or patterns related to their interests.

> is it going to be like a lottery who we are going to send for?

Yes, you will randomly get matched up with one person to send a gift to. And a different person will get your name to send a gift to you. So you will get to know two new H-Costumers.

>how much would I have to slip you to make sure that Bjarne is my gift exchange?

Ha! I was going to keep him for myself! :)

Additional info; I will send out a formal invitation very soon. Folks will have about a week to sign up. After that I will take it off the H-cost list. I will email reminders to folks as the Dec 20 deadline approaches. People are on their own and are responsible for getting their gifts mailed on time. We have almost two months, and that should be enough for everyone. Please be sure when you sign up that you can follow through with your committment.


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