OK, so I bought a leather handbag with very attractive (but not super deep) tooling all over it. This was from a discount source that does not accept returns. The picture on the website showed a darkish-reddish-brown bag with a cooked-artichoke-green strap, outer pocket, and piping on the bottom--a very Art Nouveau color combo.

What I got was a fuschia bag with chartreuse accents. Yow. I should've known better. But now I want to dye it the colors I thought I was getting. Or at least some kind of acceptable earthtones. The bag has a bright red lining and zipper that I don't want to try replacing, but at least they're not too visible and I'm hoping a reddish brown dye will work OK with the zipper.

I've never dyed leather before. (It is leather, not suede.) I'm looking at the dyes on this website:


Does anyone recommend any dye brand in particular? If I want to keep the green accents (aside from the piping, which I'm willing to forego), how do I keep a dye (I'm leaning a bit to sprays but can be swayed) from going where it shouldn't, and get neat demarcations between the reddish brown and the grayish green I hope for?

Finally, it looks like I shouldn't have trouble buying some kind of reddish brown dye. But the grayish green looks problematic. Any suggestions?


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