There is an Australian supplier - I'm now getting my stuff from them - contact me for details but you'll have to drive to Sydney to look at what you want.

Elizabeth Walpole wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ann Catelli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Historical Costume" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2005 11:41 AM
Subject: [h-cost] Re: too short victorian busk

If you're already looking outside of Australia, may I
direct you to Greenberg & Hammer, specifically this
item, pop-front busks with silver clasp, from 6" to

And compare their boning prices.

If you have already purchased your boning, by all
means ignore this.

Ann in CT

Well, I've got to look outside Australia as to my knowledge there isn't an Australian supplier of spiral boning (I know of one SCA merchant who offers flat steels and I won't see them untill next easter anyway) But Greenberg & Hammer have the same problem as most of the other stores they don't offer 1/2 inch spiral steel in pre-cut lengths, following the advice I seem to read everywhere that if you're above a C cup 1/4 inch steels won't give enough support I'm looking for 1/2 inch steels but I don't want to cut my own, because I'm hoping this will be the only corset I'll have to make with spiral bones, so learning how to apply the tips for one corset would be more trouble than it's worth (not to mention buying a pair of bolt cutters to cut it).
Elizabeth Walpole
Canberra Australia

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