In a message dated 11/28/2005 8:11:13 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

an excellent piece to sing for learning to get the voice  agile:) 

Getting yourself ready for "Una voce poco fa"?
I'm obsessed with "Figaro" lately....
Which reminds me of a great production I saw that used Rene Magrite  
paintings as a jumping off point. The costumes were stereotypes....not accurate 
really. Rosina was in an all white almost Flamenco dress. Figaro had his usual  
bolero, breeches and sash [he sung his big entrance aria...y'know the one with  
the "Fiiiiiii-gaaaaa-rooooo.....Fi-ga-ro....FigaoFigaroFigaroFigaro....." show  
off his bedroom getting dressed. At the beginning of it he's  
getting out of bed....he's all dressed by the end of it.] During the  
thunderstorm, a scrim came down raining men in bowler hats. When a big conflict 
arise, a drop of a train coming out of the fireplace would appear. At the  end 
when the lovers are united, the walls of the room became a box of blue sky  
with little white clouds, then the Count and Rosina appear in their same  
costumes only now made of blue sky with clouds. I loved  it!
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