I'm coming in late on this as I had heistated to comment, but now feel like 
tossing in my two cents worth as well.
  I saw a production of Tristan and Isolde several years ago that left a lot to 
be desired. I'm not sure of the intent, but it was distracting as the costuming 
was from more than one period - and none of it "period" to the opera. The set 
design was also from left field. I did watch it through as the voices were 
beautiful, but the friend that attended with me said she had to just close her 
eyes and listen.
  One of my favorites was a production of Die Fledermaus - I couldn't tell you 
what the period was as I wasn't as costume conscious then, but they were 
  I have also seen a lot of Shakespeare, some in period costume some not. I saw 
a production of Taming of the Shrew in a 20th century Bohemian setting. It 
worked well I thought.
  I can see where a gently firm corset would help with breath support 
especially with the Queen of the Night's aria. But my favorite - even though it 
has been commercialized - is the Flower Duet from Lakme'. I did see that done 
in period costume - more or less - as the costumes were more representative for 
the British solidiers than accurate and seemed, as I recall, a little more 
showy than the actual uniforms would have been. But that is theatre after all, 
isn't it?
  Annette M
  (local to both the Seattle and Vancouver, B.C. Opera companies and ventures 
to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival on occasion)

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