In going through my fabric stash, I find I have a number of things I've bought over the years that I no longer consider suitable for medieval clothing. They're good fabrics, and I am wondering what they might be useful for (other than modern clothing or home decor). I know almost nothing about periods after 15th c.

What periods, if any, would these be suitable for:

-- linen dyed in strong colors, e.g. cranberry, deep green, bright red, black (I've been using the hot pink for mock-ups!) (snip)


Oh, these would be great for early 17th cen. stuff. I've been amazed at the strong colors I've been turning up in paintings and written records. I've got a bright red dress jacket made up in linen and I'd like to get a petticoat done to match it, but didn't have enough fabric for that.

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