Following on the discussion of this link:

(snip) For example, in the recently posted painting, there seems to be no
disconnect in the fabric's pattern... it looks like it was cut all of a
piece with the rest of the sleeve.

-E House, ponders too much for her own good.

I don't think you can use the above as an example for your theory (which is
quite good) because where the seam would be is covered by the houppe's
dagging on her right and well the left....hmmmm...can someone make out what
is on the gold lining near her hand? Looks like a poor seam stitching.
Anyway that attachment to sleeve seam is covered if it was there.
The Marie of Hungary dress
shows a conical piece attached to the sleeve. This does not mean that the
previous picture's "cuffs" are made that way but are more like to have been.

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