jlkelley wrote:
"Flowers" has been slang for quite a long time, and probably has an association with flowering and fertility, fruit and childbearing.

I would bet it was in use long before drawers were worn.


        Having read quite a few penny dredfuls I have heard the term before.
If you wad up a pice of cloth to a wound and then remove it and unfold
the cloth you will have an impresionistic flower.  So blood flowers on
cloth.  Not sure if that is exactly what they ment in the defination.

just my penny's worth

. Looking
KP> up "sangue" in Florios' 1611 Italian-English
KP> Dictionary garners me a broad variety of derivatives
KP> that can be applied to a woman's menstrual blood.
KP> Looking up "menses" I get a period (pardon the pun)
KP> term for a woman's monthly:
KP> "M<e'>nstruo: a womans monethly(sic) termes, issues,
KP> fluxes, sheddings or flowers. Also silver(?) among
KP> Alchemists."
KP> Flowers?!

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