i actually enjoyed it very much when i saw it in november... there was
one particularly smart doublet ensemble that young elizabeth wears
that convinced me to try to make my own elizabethan (although not a
doublet gown, it figures).  i think i figured out it might not be
totally 100% accurate costume-wise when i heard the soundtrack
(traditional-sounding but with a bit of modern instrumentation thrown
in) and saw the way it was filmed (some jump cuts and shaky-camera
filming, etc.) but nothing stood out to me as glaringly wrong (not
that i'm an expert of course).

i liked the plainer sort of gowns that elizabeth and her ladies wore
before she was crowned.  they remind me a lot of the italian styles,
while keeping an english feel in the corsetry and fabric.  i wish i
could find more examples of that style in portraiture... i guess it
was too casual for portraits?  or is it totally a convention of these


> In a message dated 1/20/2006 8:32:41 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> That's  what life in the theatre is
> like...I don't go there any more!
> *******************
> And film is like opening night every night for a month or two! I don't go
> there any more. I just can't keep up with the 20-somethings and
> 30-somethings
> who do it and still have the ambition. :-P
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