A collection of ancient dresses made from tree bark has been found in Quang Tri Province. It is believed that is a relic of the Van Kieu, one of the Vietnamese ethnic minorities in the Central Highlands.

According to experts, making a tree dress is very difficult. First, skilful artisan is chosen to get the bark from the Pi, a tree in the Central Highlands. He would not chop down the tree, just pare round it and take a layer of bark.

At home, the artisan's partner prepared cask of boiling water, with spices such as ginger, sugar-cane, and citronella. The tree skin would then be soaked in the water in 10 days to release its poisons. It would then be dried for a week and restored. On the 14th day of a lunar month, people would take it and sew into clothing.

Sounds fascinating! I'm intrigued by the references to "poisons" (?) and to the "ritual" aspect of choosing a particular day to work on the project.


O    Chris Laning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Davis, California
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