Dawn wrote:

 > Kate, over here most American students never get the chance to study
abroad for a year, it's usually a special program for top students with costs borne entirely by the family so very few can afford it. But the programs do tend to be more varied than just languages.

If the student happens to be at a University that has a Study Abroad Exchange program, the costs are the same as attending their school for that year (plus a couple hundred in extra fees, and airfare). More info can be found at http://www.isep.org/. Definitely worth checking out if you have a future student considering colleges and thinking about study abroad at some point.

- Hope (whose daughter just finished a semester in South Korea and is now in Japan--wish those programs had been in place when I was going to school! Oh, costume content--she just sent me some silk from South Korea. Next Regency gown here I come...)
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