Again, thanks to Debbie and Genie.

Thank you for your suggestions. I will see if I can
contact anyone at the Royal Armouries Museum at

However, I have to say that I'm pretty sure we're not
dealing with armor, lamellar or any other "formal"
kind. And "we" aren't the Japanese pirates. For the
military "grunts" of the time there seems to be a
trend for padded/quilted cotton twill protective

None of the pictures in General Qi's manual shows
obvious armor on the infantrymen. The manual's title
is Jixiao Xinshu (also Ji Xiao Xin Shu) or New Book
for Effective Discipline (1561). I still haven't been
able to get the pictures scanned.

Again, thank.


Leslie Mundy, DCC  Office Hours: M-W-F Noon-5:00
John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University
Providence, RI 

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"Somewhere a butterfly, dreaming that it is Chuang Chou,
flutters its wings and creates a distant hurricane."

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