----- Original Message ----- From: "Gail & Scott Finke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006 3:17 PM
Subject: [h-cost] Re: lego troubles

Bjarne wrote:

Kids dont want to play with brigs anymore, they want to play on computers.
Company didnt realise this and almost broke now!

Tell that to my kids! We have a cabinet full of Lego bricks. And we also get
the bimonthly Lego magazine. And we also have the Lego Star Wars GameCube
game. Have you seen this? It is fantastic. It is the entire Star Wars saga,
in Lego. You get to play whatever part you want, and whenever you shoot
something or hit it with your lightsabre, it breaks up into Lego pieces!

We love Lego here, and we do not have a large toy budget. Our Lego
investment is probably the largest toy investment we have made.

I love Legos too!! Last year I bought MYSELF some Legos at last--some of the Orient Expedition (which I discovered AFTER they discontinued it) and most of the Knights Kingdom sets.

My kids have Legos too, but they have a really bad tendency to not put them away, and mine are NOT combined with theirs!

The Game Cube sounds fun, but I don't have a GC system, and don't foresee myself buying one any time soon.


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