Sorry - completely forgot about farthingales (duh moment)  (again)

have used them in the past and were v good.

for anyone in the UK, this is one of my suppliers for corsetry stuff (can 
order online, which I prefer)


In a message dated 2/6/06 3:46:26 PM GMT Standard Time, 

> >Thanks for the Farthingales link - their 'tutu steel'
> >looks very like what I think the originals were - I'm
> >happy to be proved wrong but I can't find any pictures
> >as close as they need to be to be sure.
> >
> >
> >I'll check out their overseas ordering policy if I
> >can't find a ballet wholesale supplier over here who
> >can help. We've got a ballet company in Glasgow who
> >may give me a name, if I ask really nice :-)
> >

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