While I really enjoyed both sets of movies (SciFi version, and the
>  original
> movie with extended info), the books are so much better  imho
One should never go to a movie based on a book and expect it to be in any  
way true to the book's story.  Different medium.  Then one is less  often 
disappointed.  I loved the Dune books.  I also loved the David  Lynch "Dune" 
If any of you are fans of particular film directors,  as I am of David Lynch, 
you go to that movie to see what that director has done  with the story, not 
to see a reenactment scene-by-scene of the book.  At  least, that is my 
opinion.  If you're looking for the same story as the  book, you are bound to 
disappointed most of the time.  Where was Tom  Bombadil, after all, in Lord of 
the Rings?
That said, the process of designing costumes for a science fiction film or  
fantasy is that the world you are creating never really existed.  So you  get 
to create the world, along with the rest of the design team. So much  fun!  And 
the choices in "Dune" the movie (the 80's one with Sting) are  very 
interesting.  I particularly liked the moisture-trapping suits.   The name for 
escapes me.  And, of course, the Court.  And the  creepy Baron. (shudder) and 
all of these choices related to the  characters.
Cheryl Odom
h-costume mailing list

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