Quoting monica spence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


All this is to tell you that you can change careers or do something new. It
is never too late...

I'm not in costuming or theater, but let me second that statment with a
resounding AMEN!

I got my BA in 1976 in Computer Science.  Worked as a programmer for a
dozen or so years, had a kid and stayed at home afterwards.  I *always*
had photographed the spring wildflowers -- always.  (I didn't have a
place of my own to grow them, so I collected Wildflower Gardeners --
and there is that Large National Park just down the road [aka The Great
Smoky Mountains National Park]).  One day, I decided to identify my
pictures ...

I'll cut a long story here.  I entered graduate school at 40.  UTK was
good to me, and they let me start slow.  I'll be 53 this summer when I
get my PhD -- and I have had a *blast*  IME, "older students" tend to
be better students -- because they're doing it for THEMSELVES -- not to
meet somebody else's expectations.  The year that I got my MS, there was
a lady who got her PhD in Educational Counseling -- she wanted to work
with geriatric patients using Art Therapy.  She was 92 I think -- you
may remember the letter to Dear Abby about her.  She got a standing

If you want it go for it!

Susan Farmer
University of Tennessee
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

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