On Thu, 2 Mar 2006 14:45:55 -0600, E House <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Does anyone know of any good resources for learning about the authentic stuff? Any suggestions for modern books that might help me with technique?

If you want one book that covers just about everything there is to cover except patterns;
Metal thread embroidery by Jane Lemon
Batsford (March 28, 2005)
ISBN 071348926X
It covers historical and modern stitches, thread, techniques,equipment,photoes of extant pieces including Elisabethan and more. I have bought others, but this is the one I keep returning to. And the only one I've found truly useful for historical goldwork anytime within my period of interest(1200-1670).

Some websites worth looking at ;
Or Nue
Or Nue (Shaded Gold)

And a brief introduction to historical goldwork;
All that glitters...


"Jeg har sagt ja og nei og DA får du lov"
Anders (nesten 4 år)
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