Wonderful! So there is reference to a color of that sort, even if it didn't 
have that name yet, as far back as the 16th century.
  Thank you!

Annette M
    >Message: 7
>Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2006 07:58:55 -0800 (PST)
>From: "Joannah Hansen" 
>Subject: Re: [h-cost] period dye color references
>I found this:
>adj : deep purplish red n 1: a dark purple-red; the dye was discovered in 
>>1859, the year of the battle of Magenta [syn: fuchsia] 2: a battle in 1859 in 
>>which the French and Sardinian forces under Napoleon III defeated the 
>>Austrians under Francis Joseph I [syn: Magenta, Battle of Magenta]
>Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University 
>And this is just interesting:
>Main Entry: fuch·sin
>Variant: or fuch·sine /'fyük-s&n, -"sEn/ 
>Function: noun
>: a dye that is produced by oxidation of a mixture of aniline and toluidines, 
>>that yields a brilliant bluish red, and that is used in carbolfuchsin paint, 
>in >Schiff's reagent, and as a biological stain 
>Fuchs /'fuks/, Leonhard (1501–1566), German botanist and physician. In >1542 
>Fuchs published De Historia Stirpium, a manual of herbal plants that >stands 
>as a landmark in botany. The work is historically important for its >orderly 
>presentation, accurate drawings and precise plant descriptions, and >its 
>glossary of botanical terms. Fuchs was especially interested in the >medicinal 
>properties of plants, and his book listed the reputed powers of >each. The 
>genus Fuchsia was named in his honor by Linnaeus in 1753. >Fuchsia also 
>denotes the vivid reddish purple color of the flowers of many >plants 
>belonging to the genus. 
>Source: Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, >Inc. 
>I love this list - it leads me to look up so many interesting things - I had 
>no >idea before this that the colour was named after a Napoleonic battle.

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